Why Nations Go To War | Intellections

Описание к видео Why Nations Go To War | Intellections

War is politics by other means. In other words, when political leaders cannot get what they want through political means, they judge the cost of achieving their goal through military force. Preventing armed conflict requires raising the cost of using force. Until the cost of any armed conflict is prohibitively high, conflicts will continue.

For more information, visit the PolicyEd.org page here: https://www.policyed.org/intellection....

Additional resources:

“Bellum Interruptum” by Victor Davis Hanson, available here: http://bit.ly/2urtopq

“War: The Gambling Man’s Game” by Kori Schake, available here: http://www.hoover.org/research/war-ga...

“Words matter, even a few” by Victor Davis Hanson, available here: https://victorhanson.com/wordpress/wo...

Podcast with Kori Schake on American dominance of the international order, available here: http://www.hoover.org/research/kori-s...


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