Why no White Balance in Photoshop? - Color Balance!

Описание к видео Why no White Balance in Photoshop? - Color Balance!

Have you ever looked for a White Balance tool or Adjustment Layer in Photoshop?
Were you shocked to find that there wasn't one?

I, after 22 years of PS experience, am still quite shocked that there is no White Balance tool We have tons of tools to control color in our images in Photoshop from Curves to Levels or HSL and Selective Color, but those aren't tools that target White Balance specifically.

Sure, Lightroom and ACR have White Balancing tools, but there are times that you need that power in Photoshop. So where do you go?

The answer lies in the Color Balance adjustment layer, but it's not the easiest tool in the world to understand. Well, until today!

Today I will share how to use the Color Balance tool to both Correct and Exaggerate the colors in your images.


00:00 Introduction
00:36 White Balance and Color Grading Example
01:21 Understanding Color Balance in Photoshop
02:49 Color Balance for Color Correction
05:56 Understanding Tonal Separation
08:04 Using Color Balance for Color Exaggeration
11:02 Why use Color Balance
11:49 Key to Warm and Cool Colors

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