Sweden in pictures 18 1080WebShareName

Описание к видео Sweden in pictures 18 1080WebShareName

Sweden in pictures. Firefighters in action.

Are you curious or an incorrigible lover of getting to know other countries, their peoples and cultures?

Welcome to my channel, so you can enjoy my videos specially made for you!

On this occasion firefighters in action.

Sweden in pictures is a series produced by me, with the aim of introducing you to Sweden in pictures, at the same time for when you feel you need to take a break, listen to the magnificent melody and look at beautiful views of Sweden.

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Remember to come back. Welcome!

Photography by *Henrik Hernandez, edited by Henrik Hernandez and produced by Henrik Hernandez.
Melody: Hopeful Inspiration
Music rights paid through licensing.jamendo.com. Standard license with unlimited international and Internet use, from 7/25/2023.


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