Mass Effect Tribute | I Am Not Alone

Описание к видео Mass Effect Tribute | I Am Not Alone

Never in my life have I been so profoundly emotionally affected by a group of fictional characters. Words are hardly sufficient to describe how deeply this story touched me, and so I’ve attempted to capture some small fraction of its impact in video format. Dozens and dozens of hours went into making this, and every single shot, cutscene, and voice file was carefully handpicked, with love, from my own Shepard’s story.

I originally authored this tribute as a means of ameliorating the pain of seeing the trilogy come to an end (yeah, it hits that hard – and this wasn’t even my first playthrough). But to anyone interested in a thoroughly-compelling sci-fi story (where you have to make hard choices that actually matter), set in an incredibly imaginative and painstakingly-crafted universe, with unforgettable larger-than-life characters, a gorgeous and heartbreaking score, and poignant writing that will have you laughing, crying, and exploring what it is to be human… I would wholeheartedly invite you to step into the world of Mass Effect.

Warning: there are some implied spoilers toward the end, particularly regarding the fate of several characters, as well as some vague allusions to one possible version/outcome of the ending. However, keep in mind that depending on your choices, your story may turn out differently than mine, and I’ve tried really hard to artfully avoid (or, at least, only vaguely reference) any direct spoilers regarding the plotline of the games itself, as well as the end of the series.

(For those interested, here is an earlier, much more bare bones version that I made a couple months ago, fresh off the heels of my recent playthrough:    • An End, Once and For All  )

'I'm Proud Of You' (Extended Version) by Sam Hulick:
   • I'm Proud Of You  

'Liara's Theme' by Sam Hulick:
   • Liara’s Theme  

'An End, Once And For All' by Sam Hulick and Clint Mansell:
   • An End Once and For All (Extended Cut)  

'Resolution' by Sam Hulick and Clint Mansell:
   • Resolution  


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