Doctor Who FA: Spare Parts - Scene Recreations

Описание к видео Doctor Who FA: Spare Parts - Scene Recreations

A selection of scene recreations from the fantastic audio drama Spare Parts by Big Finish.

The origins of the Cybermen, this story is a must listen.


What's that? 'I thought SeaDevilLagoon had finished making videos' I hear you say? No? Well I'll be quiet then.

Joke! I'm actually just sqeezing this 'un out as I wanted to do a scene recon of this excellent audio from Big Finish for a while. I've had a silly amount of college work (probs was kinda naughty to do this video) but It seemed to be an easier task than writing/making my own vids, and I enjoyed making these recons. I hope you enjoy watching them!

So, my first video with no Daleks..properly. Humanoids are much harder to animate!


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