Meryl Streep's moving acceptance speech - Princess of Asturias Award For The Arts 2023 (English, HD)

Описание к видео Meryl Streep's moving acceptance speech - Princess of Asturias Award For The Arts 2023 (English, HD)

[ Removed the Spanish audio translation track and remuxed the live English audio with an HD video source so that the speech can be heard clearly. ]

Meryl Streep has received Spain’s prestigious Princess of Asturias Arts Award, at a ceremony presided over by the Spanish royal family in the northern city of Oviedo. She was presented the award for her long career of acting excellence, spanning nearly five decades on screen.

The 73-year-old actor has won multiple accolades, including three Oscars for her work in Kramer vs Kramer, Sophie’s Choice and The Iron Lady.

Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar, who nominated Streep, said: "Few actresses in American film history have the versatility of Meryl Streep, an actress with a wide range of registers and a mastery of all genres, including comedy, drama, and musicals among others. She does it all so well and all so naturally and truthfully. Meryl Streep is a truly worthy recipient of this year’s Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts." (Description source: AP)


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