Why You Should Be Practicing with Meinl Marshmallow Pads

Описание к видео Why You Should Be Practicing with Meinl Marshmallow Pads

Shop Meinl Marshmallow practice pads 👉 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/MeinlMarshm...

More videos like this Meinl Marshmallow practice pad demo 👉    • Drum Demos & Reviews  

Practice makes perfect, but, as every drummer knows all too well, honing your percussive chops isn’t always the quietest affair! What’s more, practice pads can be a tricky proposition: playing on one is vastly different from the real thing. Poorly designed pads fail to consider that merely reducing the volume could cost you plenty of valuable experience in refining stick and motion control, as well as in other areas. Thankfully, Sweetwater’s drum expert in residence, Nick D’Virgilio, has a fantastic solution with Meinl’s innovative Marshmallow practice pads. Want to learn more? Take a listen!

After you watch, check out Sweetwater.com today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! 👉 https://sweetwater.sjv.io/shop

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