StormFilter Maintenance - Lambridge Estate, NSW 2750 Australia

Описание к видео StormFilter Maintenance - Lambridge Estate, NSW 2750 Australia

The stormwater filtration system installed at the Corner of Leland Street and Old Castlereagh Road in Penrith consists of 200, perlite filled, StormFilter™ cartridges. This particular system is a council-owned asset and was recently maintained by Stormwater360 on behalf of Penrith City Council.

An initial inspection was completed to analyse the accumulation of sediment in the tank floor and the condition of media within the cartridges. Given the estimated maintenance frequency of a StormFilter™ system is 12 months, it was decided to once maintain the device to once again, achieve optimal performance.

The service was completed over two days and involved maintenance personnel entering the ‘open top’ detention tank and removing sediment and exhausted cartridge media via an inductor truck. Approximately 10 tonnes of waste were removed from the system and then disposed of at an approved waste management facility. Replacement cartridges were then delivered to the site and reinstalled accordingly.

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