Stop thinking about solutions to the same issues | Use Kanban management to free up mental potential

Описание к видео Stop thinking about solutions to the same issues | Use Kanban management to free up mental potential

Often in our companies we trust people to make proper decisions when choices present themselves - this might seem like a nice and empowering idea, but what is often overlooked is the effort used to make such a decision every time. Apart from the disadvantages of making different (perhaps unexpected and/or suboptimal) decisions for repeating or similar issues, it will take more time than needed. If you standardize the answers and solutions you determine when tackling a problem, you free up thinking space and time the next time a similar issue comes up.
A great example of making optimal decisions upfront is using Kanban system for inventory management - you take demand data and combine it with package sizes, available space and easy of replenishment. The resulting inventory management rules result in clear instructions for the involved colleagues, with almost no thinking effort your production will be guaranteed enough supplies.


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