7 Minutes with Lucy Lawless & Renee O'Connor - 1 Feb 2009. XWP Con

Описание к видео 7 Minutes with Lucy Lawless & Renee O'Connor - 1 Feb 2009. XWP Con

Summary: Lucy jokingly says that she will be appearing frequently in the whole next season of Battlestar Galactica, where DAnna ends up killing Starbuck and stealing a ship & settling down with Mary McDonnell (Laura Roslin) on the algae planet and having a couple of kids. She then grew serious and said that BSG was finished (over with) but was corrected by the audience who said BSG still had a few more episodes left. Lucy says, "The show is still on? Bloody hell!" Lucy then asks the audience what happened to her character and discovers that DAnna has been left on the algae planet alone. Lucy says, "OH WELL!"

Lucy then calls on a woman once called Mr. Xena, who used to dress as Xena at many XWP Cons. A lot of us once thought Mr. Xena was dressing as Xena to parody Xena whereas he was actually dressing as Xena because he was a trans-sexual. The former Mr. Xena explains to Lucy that SHE recently completed a sex change operation and is now a female (despite the deep voice.) Lucy tells her that she DID remember her dressing up in a Xena costume. Lucy welcomed the her (the former Mr. Xena) to their new life (as a female). Everyone applauds.

Renee comes on, hugs Lucy and says to her, 'You are alive!' They hug again. Lucy says,"this is an intervention." Lucy adds, "Lucy we love you but we are not gonna love you to death." Lucy jokingly says she is going to stop singing to the fans because its just not working out for her. Renee tells Lucy she is not! (going to quit) and the audience agrees. Lucy explains that she asked Renee 3 days before the musical to appear as Sister Batrill (her character in Bitch Slap) on stage during her Friday musical performance. Lucy said that just a few days before her musical performance she said to herself, "Oh God, why didn't I ask Renee!?" (to play Sister Batrill) Lucy said they all missed Renee during the musical. Lucy tells Renee she is a quick study. Lucy says she needs to get Renee's new phone number and email address because she only had her old ones. Renee explains to Lucy that she could not attend Lucy's musical on Friday because her son Miles got hit in the head with a golf club by his friend. Renee said she waited 7 hours in the emergency room that day, including during Lucy's musical. She said she imagined how much fun Lucy was having and was thinking of her.

Someone asked where Lucy got the nun and schoolgirl costumes for her musical. Lucy said she did not get them from Bitch Slap but from a Hollywood Boulevard costume shop. Lucy said she did not know what she was going to wear until she saw the schoolgirl costume. Someone asked Lucy how she stayed in such great shape. Lucy said she doesn't eat Doritos (junk food), exercises and tries to stay excited about life because if you stay excited about life, you can stay away from the refrigerator. Lucy said staying excited about life was the most important thing (to stay in shape). Someone asked how many episodes of the L Word Lucy appeared in. Lucy said she appeared in the first and last episodes of the 6th season. Lucy explained how she loved to wear costumes because she became that thing. Lucy said it was tough to act as a crab in costume and it was also hard to get the latex application on and off.


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