Spiral Staircase (US) - Visions Shifting Form (Album 2022)

Описание к видео Spiral Staircase (US) - Visions Shifting Form (Album 2022)

The debut album of Spiral Staircase arrives at least!

Finally, after around 16 years plaguing the underground with the most haunted and hypnotic Raw Black Metal malignancy, it's good to see J.H., finally delivering full-lenght records, starting off last year with the Drekavac album, earlier this year with the thunderous and memorable Triangulum debut, and now with Spiral Staircase.

Like the recent Triangulum album, with this one we see J.H. also taking a cleaner and polished approach to production and songwriting style. With a much smoother recording, Spiral Staircase strips down its noisy turbulence created by lo-fi, decrepit 4-track recordings and blown-out guitar maledictions, to deliver its melodic sensibilities with much clarity and focusing primarily on the songwriting itself instead of the crippled, spectral malignity that surrounds the tracks.

Henceforth, we are delivered half-an-hour of blazing nightly Black Metal, carrying the same flame of the most celebrated Finnish hordes of early this century, casting torments and omens towards humanity and its frail, weak existence. With a re-recording of the "In the Scrying House" track, originally on the split with Disequilibrium, and a majestic cover of German legends, Asakku, "Visions Shifting Form" is surely a piece of atavistic bliss that, although absent of some of the most traditional aesthetic characteristics of 2010's Cleveland Raw BM, which J.H. highly contributed to trademark, still carries the same hauntedness and transcendental nature..

Released on CD via Death Hymns and on digital via bandcamp.

Spiral Staircase:

Death Hymns:

1 Infinite Shadow 00:00
2 Returning 03:11
3 In The Scrying House 07:17
4 Visions Shifting Form 08:27
5 The Hallucination 13:19
6 Empyreal Wolven Gate 16:27
7 Endless Woods (Asakku cover) 22:04

All rights belong to Spiral Staircase and Death Hymns.
Video will be deleted upon request.


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