EASY: Fix Gas Fireplace Not Starting

Описание к видео EASY: Fix Gas Fireplace Not Starting

If you flip the switch on your gas fireplace and the fireplace doesn't turn on this is probably the video for you. we have the fix. Most likely it's wrong is the switch itself And then the question you're going to get to is how to fix the switch on a gas fireplace? How to change the switch on a gas fireplace? is it safe to change the switch on a fireplace by yourself? how can you tell if it is safe to change a switch on a fireplace?

Easy fix for gas fireplace doesn't turn on with switch. Easy fix for gas fireplace won't turn on with switch.

We explain that a fireplace switch is almost certainly piezoelectric current will not hurt you. A Pizo Electric Matchless starter is not connected to your home wiring so you can safely swap it out without turning the electricity off in your house. It's pretty easy and you can do it.

This is an easy DIY fix that anyone can do for less than a dollar. You do not need a rofessional to help you with this. if you're old you can do this If you're young you can do this If you have never touched electricity before you can do this. the only thing you have to be careful with is when you pull the switch out of the wall that you can see the wires are very very thin. If the wires are thick then there's something else going on here. if the wires are thin like we show in the video they will only handle very low voltage like a piezoelectric fireplace starter which will not hurt you.


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