👀Kmart Hot Wheels Kday Feb. 2018

Описание к видео 👀Kmart Hot Wheels Kday Feb. 2018

What's up Everybody!
In this video I take Little Mason to his first Hot Wheels Kmart Kday collectors day
We went to the Kmart in the city of West Covina, California. My amigo Alejandro invited me to that one becuase word was this Kmart was going to have a lot of Master Cases. And it was true!
There was a lot of people but there was a LOT of 36 count cases to go around. I saw 2 collectors pull a Indy super treasure hunt. They said there was a total of 4 supers.
Not sure if anybody got a regular treasure hunt.

Little Mason had a lot of fun. They called both of our ticket numbers. In the end we bought 40 hot wheels for 2 Mail-ins. The mail-in will be a '55 Chevy Bel Air Gasser. As soon as we recieve it I might open mine

Hope you guys enjoy the video. Hit the "like" button. Shout out to this Kmart and everybody that went. Special shout out to the collectors that came up to me and said what's up. See you guys next time!

Here is a link my channel. I have other Hot Wheels videos if you would like to watch.

Thanks for watching. Have a good day and I'll talk to you guys later


Que onda Amigos!
En este video llevo a Mason a su primer Hot Wheels Kmart Kday collectors day.
Fuimos al Kmart en la ciudad de West Covina, California. Nuestro Amigo Alejandro nos envito porque decian que ese Kmart tenia muchas cajas grandes. Y si era sierto!
Fue mucha jente pero tambien tenian muchas cajas de cuanta 36 para todos. Mire 2 colectores que sacaron un Indy Super Treasure Hunt. Dicen que salieron un total de 4 supers.
No estoy seguro si algien saco un treasure hunt regular.

Mason se divirtio mucho! Nos toco una caja cada uno y agaramos unos cuantos mas para completar para el Mail-in. El mail-in es el '55 Chevy Bel Air Gasser. Abusados porque al momento que lo reciba aver si lo abro

Si les gusto el video dale un 'like'. Saludos a todos los que fueron y en especial a los que me saludaron a mi. Nos vemos para la promixa!

Aqui esta el link de mi canal. Tengo mas videos de Hot Wheels para que veas.

Gracias por mirar este video. Tengas buen dia. Saludos


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