Tigress vs 3 Male Lions "Lion Vs Tiger Real Fight to Death New Original Video HD" video debunked.

Описание к видео Tigress vs 3 Male Lions "Lion Vs Tiger Real Fight to Death New Original Video HD" video debunked.

You may have seen recently a video titled "Lion Vs Tiger Real Fight to Death New Original Video HD".... Well in reality it is of a single tigress fighting three different male lions. Which is very easy to see once you look at the Male Lions manes, and size. Two of the Male Lions make the tigress look well like a tigress fighting a male lion. While the 3rd Male Lion is smaller, and makes the tigress appear larger than she is. In total a tigress fights three different male lions. This video debunks the Castle Films Lion tiger fight, and is a devastating blow to the Lion side. The Lion side is known to feast on tigresses vs Male Lions. As almost every video they use is of Tigress vs Male Lion, thus taking advantage of the fact tigers don't have manes. But of course they're only lieing to themselves with their "Tigress vs Male Lion" videos.

#bengaltigervsAfricanlion #tigervslion


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