StarCraft 2 - SCV Quotes

Описание к видео StarCraft 2 - SCV Quotes

All of the quotations from the SCV in StarCraft 2.

Voice actor: Glenn Stafford

"SCV ready!"
"SCV ready."

"What's goin' on?"
"Bad news?"
"Ah! Ya scared me!"
"Go ahead."
"Big job, huh?"
"In the rear with the gear."

"Gotcha!" ("Self-destruct in five... four... three... two...") "Uh oh..."
"I can fix anything!" (distortion) "If this dang thing holds together. Hear me, baby? Hold together."
"Say, you got a real pretty mouth!"
"Oh, my cousin Lester saw a Zergling once..."
"On the CB, they call me Big Drill."
"Hey, I wanna hear some Free Zerg!"
"My cow died last night, so I don't need your bull."

"You're the boss."
"Yeah, whatever."
"It's your dime."
"Woo hoo, overtime!"
"Well butter my biscuit!"
"Uh huh."
"Will do."
"We hear ya."
"Yes, sir!"
"Sure thing."
"I'm goin'!"
"Move it!"
"Yeah, yeah."

"This is crazy!"
"This is your plan?"
"What, you run out of Marines?"
"Oh, that's just great."

"I can't build here," (build error)
"There's somethin' in the way." (build error)
"That's a negatory. It's blocked." (build error)
"Job's finished." (build complete)
"You mean, in there?" (enter bunker)
"How's this an improvement?" (exit bunker)
"Get me outta here!" (enter dropship)

"I'm too young to die!"
"Not what I had in mind!"

"This sucks!"


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