Tano Cariddi - monologue

Описание к видео Tano Cariddi - monologue

LaPiovra7 - Indagine sulla morte del comissario Cattani - ending
Octopus 7 - Inquire on the death of detective Cattani

Approximate translation:

T Cariddi: Come in.
Boy: Tano Cariddi?
T Cariddi: Don't take after appearances, I'm familiar with wealth and power. I killed to gain them. But life constrained me to outlive my passions.
Boy: Professor Ramonte sent this. He said only Tano will understand.
T Cariddi: Return it to Professor Ramonte. All my life I refused to belong to people "tribes": political partys, society, family. Tano is just Tano! If I will help the Professor, it's just because I want to. And now show me what he really sent! ...
The professor's archive!
Here is a piece of history. A secret history, where are no heroes, no ideal personalities, but only dirty battles, obscure compromises, betrayals and blackmails. A history less edifying, but much less false than the official one.
The professor remained only with his memory. The last and the most dangerous of his weapons. Or the most useless. And he wants me to use it for him.
Tell the Professor that i will keep his tresure but I won't use it, for now.
From all his power remained only this seed, and I'll let it rest here, in this arid earth. I will guard it, I will nurture it with my remorses and my nightmares, water it with my hate. Only untill winter passes, because then the forces inside this seed will wake up and start the way towards the light. And in that moment maybe the solitude that I chose will appear unsignificant. If it will be so, this seed will give life to the terrifying and wonderful Flowers of Evil.
Tell the professor I'll collect it for him.


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