X Minus One - The Roads Must Roll (#32)

Описание к видео X Minus One - The Roads Must Roll (#32)

01/04/56, episode 32
This episode provided by the Old Time Radio Researchers Group

I always knew this, but now there's a story that proves it. Engineers rule the world. In this Robert Heinlein story, the roads have become so crowded that the traffic can no longer move. So the engineers take over, creating rolling roads that move (like the rolling walkways at the airport, except these move at 100 miles an hour). The country is dependent on the roads, which only the engineers can keep rolling. Don't make us, I mean them, angry. (from "The Critical X Minus One" by Jim Fanisher)

Credits (Goldin): Al Jazzbeaux Collins, Audrey Blum, Bob Hastings, Jack Orrison, Joe DeSantis, John Larkin, Mercer McLeod, Richard Hamilton, Robert Heinlein (author), Rosemary Murphy, Santos Ortega, Sidney Paul, Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), William Welch (producer), Daniel Sutter (director), Fred Collins (announcer)


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