Tahm Kench: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

Описание к видео Tahm Kench: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends

Welcome to the Tahm Kench Champion Spotlight. Check out the full video for a how to guide on the newest League champion, including tips on Tahm Kench's abilities, gameplay, and suggested build, or journey down the river and skip ahead to:

0:30 Play Style and Skins
0:54 Suggested Stats and Items
1:02 Abilities
5:46 Gameplay

Slip under the waves with more Tahm Kench information here:

Champion Reveal: Tahm Kench, the River King - http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page...
Champion Insights: Tahm Kench - http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news...
Tahm Kench Q&A - http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/...


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