What is Linked Open Data?

Описание к видео What is Linked Open Data?

An introduction to linked open data for libraries, archives, and museums (LODLAM) for my MLIS graduate students. Transcript: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvhu6gcobn5...

Image Sources & Further Reading

Hooland, Seth van, and Ruben Verborgh. Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to Clean, Link and Publish Your Metadata. U.S. edition. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2014.

The LODLAM Unconferences. “The LODLAM Unconferences.” Accessed December 8, 2020. https://lodlam.net/.

Meindertsma, Joep. “What’s the Best RDF Serialization Format?” Ontola.io, June 29, 2019. http://ontola.io/blog/rdf-serializati....

“American Art Collaborative Linked Open Data Initiative | Smithsonian American Art Museum.” Accessed December 8, 2020. https://americanart.si.edu/about/amer....

Vladimir Alexiev. "Museum Linked Open Data: Ontologies, Datasets, Projects." http://dipp.math.bas.bg/images/2018/0....

Lincoln, Matthew. “Using SPARQL to Access Linked Open Data.” Edited by Fred Gibbs. The Programming Historian, no. 4 (November 24, 2015). https://doi.org/10.46430/phen0047.

Blaney, Jonathan. “Introduction to the Principles of Linked Open Data.” Programming Historian, May 7, 2017. https://programminghistorian.org/en/l....


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