Hello everyone, I'm Tom Trinh, Senior Application Engineer for Valin Corporation.
Today I will illustrate how to use the DAQMaster utility from Autonics to set up the Ethernet/IP coupler ARIO-C-EI with couple digital inputs slice as well as digital output slice.
So what you see in front of you here is basically the DAQMaster utility. By the way, the software is free, you can download it to use it. There's no cost associated with it. So first and foremost, let me show you the hardware real quick. What hardware we're dealing with. So what you see here is the Ethernet/IP coupler ARIO-C-EI and next to it there's a digital output slice and a digital input slice. This just happened to be a PNP output slice and PNP input slice. So to get it up ready and running you will need a 24 Volt power connected to the coupler. So I have a brown wire connected to terminal here and blue wire connected to the terminal here. Brown means +24 Volt, blue means a 0 Volt and I have couple more wires connected to the terminal down here just to power the bus for the I/O. I have a USB cable connected to the coupler, the other side connected to my laptop that running the DAQMaster. Also if you notice here there are two RJ45 port here. So the RJ45 port up here is connected to the PLC. It just happened to be Omron NX102-9000 PLC. This Ethernet/IP coupler can be connected any PLC manufacturer that has a Ethernet/IP scanner. So it can be Allen Bradley. It can be Siemens. It can be Mitsubishi or any PLC that has Ethernet/IP scanner. And there's an extra port here on the coupler in case you need to connect to another Ethernet/IP coupler, right? You can simply do that. The one nice thing about this Ethernet/IP coupler is that it allows you to connect up to 64 slices and they can be digital input, digital output, PNP/NPN, analog input, analog output, any analog signals such as 4-20 ma, 0 to 5 Volt, 0 to 10 Volt, -10 Volt to plus 10 Volt and so forth. There's also a thermocouple input slices that allows you to connect type J, type K, type T thermocouple, as well as many others. There's an RTD input as well and again coupler will support up to 64 slices, so that's the Ethernet/IP coupler or one more thing you see right down here. There are couple rotary switches and these basically allow you to set up the last object for the Ethernet/IP address for the slices in the software the DAQMaster, you can change the IP address to whatever you like as well, which I will show you after this. And one more thing, this Ethernet/IP coupler and the slices are din-rail mountable which makes it very easy and simple. You just snap it on the din-rail on your panel and you're good to go. It's very cost effective and it doesn't take a lot of space and it will allow you to connect pretty much any device such as sensors, measurements, flow, pressure, thermocouple and so forth. All right, so let's get to it on the DAQMaster software. So what I have here is the DAQMaster utility. I'm going to click on the selected device list and you see on here the DAQMaster supports number of different Autonics devices. But for now, we're going to focus on the ARIO Ethernet/IP Coupler. So I'm going to double click on that. As soon as I do that, it adds the ARIO unit here. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to scan it. So basically what it will do is it's going to go out and look what I have and then brought it into the screen. So I'm going to scan it. Voila. So that's what I have, OK. I hook up this already. As you can see, this is exactly what I have on my camera. All right, so that's how you bring it in if you have the hardware already. So if I want to change the IP address, this Ethernet/IP coupler, I click on it, I need to connect it first, which is here. So once I connect it and I click on this, now the property of that Ethernet/IP coupler shows up here and you see here there's an IP address. I can change this IP address whatever I want to. The default is But you can change the IP address, you can change the subnet mask, the gateway and so forth. All right, I'm not going to change anything for now. So that's how you can look at the property and change the IP address. If you click on the slice itself, it shows you what it is, what the part number is, what's the IO current for this, it's showing you how many points you have as well, so that's the output same thing for the input.
So that's how you use the DAQMaster to set up to configure to monitor and troubleshoot the ARIO Ethernet/IP coupler for Autonics.
This Ethernet/IP coupler will work with any PLC manufacturer that has the Ethernet/IP scanner such as Alan Bradley, Mitsubishi, Siemens and so forth.
If you have any questions or are just looking for some help, we're happy to discuss your application with you. Reach out to us at (800) 774-5630 or visit https://www.valin.com.
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