SNES Wolfenstein 3D - Uncensored!!

Описание к видео SNES Wolfenstein 3D - Uncensored!!

I edited the censured textures from the SNES port of Wolfenstein 3D and replaced them with the PC versions. Unfortunately, the resolution of the textures in the SNES port is halved, so it's 32x32 instead of 64x64, so a lot of detail is lost, so much that the swastika in the eagle wood texture is indistinguishable.

You might notice some differences from the normal version of the game, like the maps or the fact that it says health and ammo instead of H.P. and shot. This is a beta of the game, but it's not the one that is known, this is a lesser known, later beta of the game that you can find here:

I used that version because it still has the blood, but is more stable than the other beta. Unfortunately, replacing the sprites is not as easy as replacing the wall textures, so I couldn't port the sprites with blood to the final version of the game, but this should give you an idea of how the game would look if they wouldn't have it censored, except for the mutant rats. In any case, if you want this uncensored version of the game, you can find it here:

This video is tool-assisted because the game tended to hang randomly and I had to rewind to keep recording, other than that, nothing. Playing with the mouse is very difficult because of erratic acceleration.


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