Johann Strauss II: Zigeunerbaron (Gypsy Baron ジプシー男爵) Walzer + Schatz Walzer op.418 1st+2nd versions

Описание к видео Johann Strauss II: Zigeunerbaron (Gypsy Baron ジプシー男爵) Walzer + Schatz Walzer op.418 1st+2nd versions

Johann Strauβ BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION (1825-2025)
Zigeunerbaron (Gypsy Baron ジプシー男爵) Walzer (op.418 0th version) + Schatz (Treasure 宝) Walzer Op. 418 - 1st & 2nd versions (1885-86)
Johann II’s Autograph Score of “Zigeunerbaron Walzer”
Piano Scores (1st and 2nd versions) of Schatz Walzer Op. 418 published by Aug. CRANZ, Hamburg (both versions have the same Front Cover and plate no. 26806)
Der Zigeunerbaron (The Gypsy Baron) Vocal Score published by CRANZ Mainz (plate no. C.50087)
Strauβ Edition Wien Orchestral Score 1 10A 418 A/BC W [In Bars 11-12 of the CODA the 2nd 8th note on the 1st beat is changed to “F” from “E”]    • Schatz-Walzer, Op. 418  
Orchestral Recording Materials: Overture & op.418 (2nd version) - Courtesy of Otto Schulz-Biedermeier Orchestra (1950s), ACT III Entr’acte - Courtesy of Anton Paulik-Vienna Volksoper Orchestra (1956), Additional Materials are played on the Piano and recorded by Dr. Taka S. Otagawa (The Pianist)
Music Editing Software: AUDACITY version 3.6.1

Johann II’s original score of “Zigeunerbaron Walzer” lacks the pages of the entire Waltz 1 and the 1st half of the CODA, which are “re-constructed” using the “corresponding bars” from the Piano Scores of op. 418 (1st version) and Overture, applying an “educated guess”. It appears that Johann II started compiling the Waltz prior to the premiere of the Operetta. Originally, Zigeunerbaron (Gypsy Baron ジプシー男爵) Walzer (op.418 0th version) had a long, wonderful CODA, in which, after reappearance of the Waltz 1, the romantically-beautiful Waltz 4A appears in the key of E flat major (which sounds more romantic), followed by The “Treasure Waltz” (Waltz 2A) in the original key of G major. Unfortunately, for an unknown reason Johann II did not like the original CODA; the 2nd half of the original CODA was replaced by the short CONCLUSION that comprises many descending 8th notes. Johann II never wastes martials he created: so, the discarded 2nd half of the original CODA was used in, as it is, in the ACT III Entr’acte.

In the 1st version of “Schatz (Treasure 宝) Walzer Op. 418” the Waltz 1 had a different TRANSITION phrase (between Waltz 1A and Waltz 1B), which resembles that in the Overture. The 1st version of op.418 is more suited for Concert Hall than Dance Hall. It is likely that the 1st performance of “Schatz Walzer” on November 22, 1885 at the Vienna Musikverein, which was conducted by the composer himself using the baton, was the 1st version. Johann II eventually realized that the original TRANSION in the Waltz 1 is NOT danceable: so, in the familiar 2nd version he wrote a danceable TRANSITION comprising G#dim7 (減7) and A minor codes. It is likely that the “danceable” 2nd version of op.418 was 1st performed by Edward during the Court Ball in the Zeremoniesall of the Imperial Hofburg Palace on January 28, 1886.


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