From Slave Ships to Black Lives Matter - Session 1

Описание к видео From Slave Ships to Black Lives Matter - Session 1

Friday, December 6, 2019
Petterutti Lounge, Brown University

Dr. Paul Gardullo
Dr. Justin Dunnavantare
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Operating at the intersections of archaeology and history, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Slave Wrecks Project works to unearth remains of ships from the Atlantic slave trade to recover the histories of these voyages. Drs. Paul Gardullo and Justin Dunnavantare utilize public history and archaeology to involve young people in the project of humanizing lost experiences and everlasting traumas of the Atlantic slave trade. Join these scholars to learn about the ways the Slave Wrecks Project draws on memory to radically transform the fields of archaeology and public history and a global understanding of the transatlantic slave trade.


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