MASTERING for Beginners

Описание к видео MASTERING for Beginners

In this video, I'm going to teach you how to master your audio project. This tutorial is designed for beginner audio professionals, so you'll be able to learn the basics of audio mastering quickly and easily.

Whether you're an audio beginner or an experienced pro, this tutorial is a must-watch! By the end of this video, you'll be able to master your audio project like a pro!
Audio Mastering is the final processing done to a recorded song after the mixing. An audio mastering engineer will often work together with the mixing engineer and the artist to make the song sound as good as possible. We go over simple mastering strategies with eq, compression and mid side processing to make the music sound as good as possible for various streaming platforms. This is great for beginner home recording studio engineers and people who want to learn audio production.


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