Animal Cell Structure and Function | Notes | Eukaryotic Cell | Basic Science Series

Описание к видео Animal Cell Structure and Function | Notes | Eukaryotic Cell | Basic Science Series

0:00 Introduction
0:04 Diagram
0:06 Notes
0:13 Cell membrane
0:23 Cytoplasm
0:31 Nucleus
0:39 Nucleolus
0:47 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
0:57 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
1:07 Mitochondria
1:17 Peroxisome
1:27 Golgi Apparatus
1:37 Lysosome
1:47 Microfilaments
1:57 Microtubule
2:07 Ribosome
2:15 Animal cell
2:26 Conclusion

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Animal Cell Structure and Function | Notes | Eukaryotic Cell | Basic Science Series

Cell Membrane
-the plasma membrane
-separates the interior from outside environment
-transport of material
-Membrane proteins
-lipid bilayer
-Phospholipid: Hydrophobic and hydrophilic end
-material within a cell
-Cytosol + organelles
-80% water and usually colorless
-membrane-bound organelle
-RBCs (No nucleus)
-osteoclasts (Many)
-cell's genome except mitochondrial DNA
-DNA + histone = Chromosomes
-ribosome biogenesis.
-signal recognition particles (stress response),
-cancer chemotherapy
Endoplasmic Reticulum
-ER are continuous with the outer nuclear membrane
-Not in red blood cells, or spermatozoa
-lipids and cholesterol
-protein synthesis
-Generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
-double-membrane-bound organelle
-Gas Vacuoles
-Central Vacuoles
-Contractile Vacuoles
-stores salts, minerals, nutrients, proteins, pigments, helps in plant growth
Golgi apparatus
-Golgi complex
-Proteins into membrane-bound vesicles
-membrane-bound organelle
-oxidative organelles
-hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
-scavenging activities
-Complex cellular structures
-ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein
-protein synthesis
-many subunits

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