Behind the scenes giraffe move

Описание к видео Behind the scenes giraffe move

Last Monday, Ajabu was moved back to his paddock with our male giraffe after visiting the female herd at waterhole for the past few months for breeding.

Ajabu was moved into the waterhole habitat last year to mingle with the female herd as part of our breeding program working to save this beautiful species from extinction.

Keepers say Ajabu got on really well with the girls, and we're thrilled that three of our females appear to be in the early stages of pregnancy!

It's an exciting time for our giraffe herd, with the arrival of a gorgeous little boy last month and another of our females, Kinky, expected to give birth any day now.

Moving the world's tallest animal certainly comes with its challenges! For Ajabu, it's just quick trip across the zoo in our specially made giraffe trailer, but for our ungulate team the move involves a lot of organisation and strategy to ensure it goes off without a hitch.

Come behind the scenes with our ungulate team to see just how they taxied Ajabu back to the male herd after his big adventure.


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