Quality Rounds: Transitions Between Hospital and Home

Описание к видео Quality Rounds: Transitions Between Hospital and Home

Evidence shows that communication is key for a successful transition home from the hospital – especially between health care organizations, patients and their caregivers.

This Quality Rounds Ontario covered the latest evidence to make the transition between hospital and home easier for patients and their families from the co-chairs on the advisory committee for the quality standard on transitions between hospital and home.

As an example of steps needed to achieve quality transitions, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre shared their experience in implementing Patient Oriented Discharge Summaries (PODS) – a proven tool to help patients know how to manage at home when they leave the hospital.


Amir Ginzburg
Chief and Medical Director, Medicine Program, Trillium Health Partners

Lianne Jeffs
Research and Innovation Lead and Scholar in Residence, Sinai Health System and Nursing and Health Disciplines Senior Clinician Scientist, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute

Bonnie Nicholas
Patient and Family Centred Care Lead, Patient Experience, Engagement & Advocacy, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre


Информация по комментариям в разработке