波普,流行,潮流!一条当代艺术的中国化路径 | 松 薛 | TEDxHangzhouED

Описание к видео 波普,流行,潮流!一条当代艺术的中国化路径 | 松 薛 | TEDxHangzhouED

今天, 我们应该重新在全球化下认识中国,以及其背后的中国性。在新国潮流⾏并受到追捧的背后,我们不难看到在中国各个现代化的⼤都市中,那些喝着咖啡穿着⽜仔裤,操着洋泾浜的当代中国⼈可能在他们内⼼,经历了所有大多数现代人所共同经历的身份危机, 什么是中国⼈?怎么做,我们才会找回我们失落的⽂化故乡和⼼灵归属。 当代艺术家, 他的作品,是以火焰和灰烬为媒介的,通过拼贴手段,他把形形色色的印刷品残片组合成全新的形象世界。微观与宏观的矛盾,造型与内容的冲突,在他的画面上不断地制造出疏离和变异的戏剧化效果。他的绘画,是对绘画本体的解构和再造。
Chinese contemporary artist. Graduated from the Department of Dance, Shanghai Academy of Drama. Now he lives in Shanghai.
Xue Song's works take fire and ashes as the media. Through Collage, he combines all kinds of printed fragments into a new image world. The contradiction between micro and macro, the conflict between shape and content, constantly create the dramatic effect of alienation and variation on his picture. His painting is the deconstruction and reconstruction of the noumenon of painting.
His works are collected by Boston Art Museum, University of Southern California Asia Pacific Museum, Bonn Museum of Modern Art, China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Dragon Art Museum, Powerlong Museum, HEM, Hong Kong M+ Art Museum, Bill Gates Art Foundation and other institutions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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