4. Power Up Challenge 2024 - Create and Load Dataverse Tables II (Challenge 1)

Описание к видео 4. Power Up Challenge 2024 - Create and Load Dataverse Tables II (Challenge 1)

We continue with the creation of the Animal table.

Power up Challenge 2024 Walkthrough Series.

1. Full Demo
2. Intro
3. Create and Load Dataverse Tables I (Challenge 1)
4. Create and Load Dataverse Tables II (Challenge 1) - (You are here)
5. Create a Model Driven App I (Challenge 2)
6. Create a Model Driven App II (Challenge 2)
7. Add SVG Icons and Logo (Optional Challenge 2)
8. Create a Canvas App I (Challenge 3)
9. Create a Canvas App II (Challenge 3)
10. Create a Power Automate Flow (Challenge 4)
11. Create a Business Process Flow for My Model Driven App
12. Create a Custom Page for My Model Driven App I
13. Create a Custom Page for My Model Driven App II
14. Create a Custom Page for My Model Driven App III

Requirement details Dataverse
1. Create Dataverse tables and load provided data in Dataverse Shelter Staff to effectively manage all shelter data in one place

Import all the provided data from the Power Up Challenge resources into the Dataverse.
Animal data

Animal Age: DateDiff('Animal D.O.B',Now(),TimeUnit.Years)

Animal Current Location:
!IsBlank('Animal Date of Adoption') && !IsBlank('Animal Foster Claimer'.Fosterid),
!IsBlank('Animal Foster Claimer'.Fosterid) && !IsBlank('Animal Initial Shelter'.Shelterid),
'Animal Foster Claimer'.Fosterid,
!IsBlank('Animal Initial Shelter'.Shelterid),
'Animal Initial Shelter'.Shelterid,
"" // Default value if all conditions are not met

Shared Link to the Table, so you can follow along:
"Animal table final.xlsx":

"Foster family information table final.xlsx":

"Shelter table final.xlsx":


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