FINITE vs NON - FINITE VERBS | Tips, Differences | Participle | Gerund| Infinitive | Passion Padma

Описание к видео FINITE vs NON - FINITE VERBS | Tips, Differences | Participle | Gerund| Infinitive | Passion Padma

Verbs can be finite or non-finite.
A finite verb in a sentence indicates the tense. It also has to agree with its subject in person and number. The form of the verb changes according to the tense.

A non-finite verb is not limited by tense, number or person. It does not change its form. It cannot be the main verb in
a sentence. It is usually an extension of a sentence and can be left out.

In this video you will find
• points to remember
• tips to follow
• differences
• with examples to understand
• detailed description and explanation
easy and clear to understand.


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