The ONLY Time GLASS BENDING Was Ever Used in Avatar

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As time moves on more and more unique and complicated bending technieus continued to be discovered. From the likes of healing to blood bending, all the way to metal bending, lightning and lava bending. But now we finally have confirmed in Canon the one earthbending technique that so many of us have speculated about for years. Glassbending has finally entered Canon, and it’s absoutely terrifying. So hit that subscribe button for more awesome Avatar Content, and lets get into it!

#avatarthelastairbender #thelegendofkorra #kyoshi

So in the pretty recent Rise of Kyoshi novel, we get a really cool scene where Kyoshi is tracking down a criminal group known as the “Triad of the Golden Wing”, which was a group of Daofei Outlaws. These guys are basically like the Mafia. They have a strict code and if that code is broken, you are no longer part of the family. Kyoshi actually considered herself part of this culture for some time before she transitioned into her role as the avatar.

Either way, on one gloomy day, a group of Golden Wing outlaw members are tasked with watching the headquarter of their gang, as their leader believes that there is going to be a hit on the base in the next few hours.

During the stake out of the headquarters, one of the members named Po is watching the nearby stairs very nervously. Suddenly there is a huge crash on the floor above them and Po looks worryingly up, waiting for the intruders to come down to him…

At that moment his fellow gang member named Throatcutter Gong (great name) gets tossed down the stairs, with his legs tied up and his wrists bent the wrong way… At this point, Po is absolutely terrified, and then out of nowhere a huge pair of gloved arms burst through the brick wall in front of him, and they instantly wrap around Po’s neck. These are the arms of Avatar Kyoshi. What happened upstairs was that Throatcutter Gong tried to tie up Kyoshi with a shattered glass garrote, which is a device used to strangle and choke people… HE actually managed to get the garrote around her neck, but she eventually overpowered him so badly that she reversed the situation and tied him up, before throwing him down the stairs for Po to see.


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