जैन धर्म में दीक्षा लेने के बाद जैन साधु का जीवन कैसा होता हैं? | Jain Sadhvi Life After Jain Diksha
hat Jain Sadhu Sadhvijis Do After Taking Diksha ? दीक्षा के बाद जैन साधु साध्वीजी क्या करते हैं?
Friends, do you know what kind of life a Jain Sadhu or Sadhvi leads?, and do you know where Jain Sadhus bring food from?, and do you know when a Jain Sadhu or Sadhvi sleeps and when do they wake up?, and why Jains? Sadhvi uses only hot water? And do you know why Jain Sadhvis wear only white clothes?
Friends, we told you in Part One that how men and women take initiation in Jainism? So let us make a small effort to see closely the world of Jain Sadhu Sadhvi Ji Bhagwanto, stay tuned till the end of this video.
Point Number One:
Wake up at four or five in the morning. In our language, we meditate for one and a half hour. If spoken in Jain language, Pratikraman Prati is written. After all, what happens in this process of meditation? In such a situation, Jain saints do not commit any sin like violence etc., but during the whole night, any small sins may have been committed knowingly or unknowingly, even by mistake, if due to them, for example, while changing sides, some living being got crushed and died due to the body coming under them. Even if there is a little bit of anger, they confess all their sins.
This confession is called Pratikraman. No creature should get trapped in your clothes and die. That's why we check all our clothes equally. If any creature like mosquitoes, ants etc is seen, remove them gently and then fold the clothes and keep them away. This is copy writing.
Number two, their studies start around sunrise.
Thousands of Jain texts exist. He memorizes the wonderful verses of those scriptures, that is, he remembers them.
Number Three: This verse is recited till around 8:30. After that, after having darshan in the temple and doing such small tasks, they come back around 9:30 to learn the meaning of the scriptures. In simple language, just like a professor gives a lecture, in the same way Sadhu Bhagwant explains the secrets of the scriptures to other Sadhus.
Point number four:
Almost all Jain saints eat only once a day. In Jain language it is Ekashna. That too only in the afternoon, that too sitting at one place and if you do not accept the body then it is a different matter. Now the question would be that Jain monks do not indulge in even the slightest violence, that is, they do not even use fire. So how would you cook food, how would you eat it? Jain Sadhu God himself never cooks food.
He goes to many houses for alms. In whatever language they are told, they go for the cattle drive. We take a little bit from every house, just enough so that there is no shortage in that house. That is, they take only so much that they do not have to make it again and they do not go to the houses after fixing it in advance and giving advance notification that we are going to come to your house today, rather they reach suddenly and take whatever thing has been made.
All these food items are not made for them i.e. for them and only so much is taken so that the giver does not fall short and they do not have to prepare it again. That is why it is called innocent food item i.e. Gochari in Jain language. It is not the case that Jain saints go only to the houses of Jains. He goes to everyone's house. The only condition is that there should not be non-vegetarian food there.
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