Evolution Continues to Devolve

Описание к видео Evolution Continues to Devolve

On Atheistic Evolution: Creation without God. Commentary by Pope Leo XIII; Nobilissima Gallorum Gens. HHS Mandate for school children in Oregon. Pray the Family Rosary. Richard Dawkins' "New Atheists". Thomistic philosophic foundations to explain the atheistic evolution errors. What is truth? Truth is when Judgement equals Reality. How to show there is an objective standard. Self-evident propositions are First Principles: Identity A = A; Non-contradiction A ≠ B; Excluded Middle. These are evidence no one can really deny. Lawrence Krauss, "A Universe from Nothing" -- 'Nothing' is something; 'Nothing' has a nature; 'Nothing' has properties and almost everything else. This is contrary to self-evident propositions. For more sermons please go to http://www.romans10seventeen.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest




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