Capoeira Angola, Rio de Janeiro.

Описание к видео Capoeira Angola, Rio de Janeiro.
Capoeira Angola is the traditional style of Capoeira. It is usually, although not always, characterized by playful, ritualized games, which combine elements of dancing, combat, and music, while stressing interaction between the two players and the musicians and observers.
Capoeira Angola contains rituals known as chamadas which translates literally to English as calls. This can be related to the idea of call and response that permeates the music of Capoeira and other African-derived musics such as samba de roda, jazz and blues. Chamadas (or calls) are initiated by one player signalling with a consistent ritual, such as holding one hand up, or holding both hands down near the feet while crouching over with the feet together and looking at the other player. These sequences of movements are done within the capoeira game and have strategic significance such as trying to change the pace of the game, or to indicate the dominance of one player over the other. However, like all things in Capoeira Angola, the sequences can be broken at any time if either person sense the opponent is open or vulnerable and they wish to take advantage of this opportunity. There are many chamadas, and some people rightly claim that every movement in Capoeira Angola is a chamada - that is, a call requiring a response.
Due to the difficulty of explaining Capoeira Angola play in words, it is recommended that interested persons view some of the videos which have been linked to , or visit an open roda at a nearby school if they have an opportunity.
Capoeira Angola is always played to music. It is not incidental, but rather a crucial element to the game. The reason for this is that during the game there is not only interaction between the players themselves, but also between the music and the players. Often subject matter of songs will describe a situation occurring within the roda, or will call players to change the quality of the game in some way. In an even more fundamental way, the rhythm being played calls for a certain kind of game between the players. For example, one rhythm known as Angola calls for slower games, and less aggressive interaction. Another known as Barra Vento (also referred to by its corresponding style of game Jogo de Dentro) calls for players to play within close proximity to each other with more malicia (aggressive, yet playful trickery).
It is worth noting that some feel that Capoeira Angola itself has changed from what it used to be 100 years ago. It is much more organized, and the style of play has become very technical in some places. This is a natural outcome of having capoeira academies (in Portuguese, the word "academy" means the same as "gym" in English - a place of exercise), and classes for Capoeira angola, where training goes on. But nevertheless Capoeira Angola is widely regarded as the one that best keeps the roots, fundaments and spirit of the ancient capoeira forms.

Incredible Rio.


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