Научные факты и открытые вопросы о допинге Валиевой

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Kamila Valieva is accused of taking doping, but biology behind the detected substances points to a potential mistake

Камила Валиева обвиняется в приеме допинга, но биология обнаруженных веществ указывает на возможную ошибку

#Olympics #Figureskating #Valieva #Doping #YuriNeuro

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0:00- Introduction
0:51- Kamila Valieva doping case
1:30- Substances found in Valieva's probe
1:49- Working principle of Trimitazidine
3:02- Working principle of L-carnitine
3:50- How Valieva could accidently take doping
4:38 - Nadezhda Sergeeva doping case
4:57- How Trimitazidine was taken unaware
5:38- Delay in Valieva doping probe analysis
6:43 - CAS decision on Valieva's doping case
7:59- Media reaction on the doping case

Kamila Valieva is a 15 years old Russian figure skater, 2022 European champion, gold medalist in figure skating team event in Beijing 2022. However, on 08.01 WADA reported positive doping test from the probe taken on 25.12 at the Russian National Chanpionship . This happens directly after Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) team won the figure skating team competition.

Three substances were found in her sample: Hypoxen, L-carnitine and Trimetazidine.
Hypoxen and L-carnitine are not banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and Valieva listed them in her test form. Trimetazidine (TMZ) is banned. Why?

В ее пробе российской фигуристки Камилы Валиевой были обнаружены три вещества: Гипоксен, L-карнитин и Триметазидин. Гипоксен и L-карнитин не запрещены Всемирным антидопинговым агентством (WADA), и Валиева указала их в своей тестовой форме. Триметазидин (TMZ) запрещен

Consider two options how a cell in your organism can get energy:

First, beta-oxidation of fatty acids: fatty acids (for instance, well-known Omega 3) are broken down inside your cells to produce energy.

Second, glucose oxidation. In that case glucose is broken down to release energy. However, glucose oxidation requires less oxygen consumption compared to beta-oxidation.

Thus, if you for some reasons, have a decreased blood supply, for instance, after the extensive exercises, it is beneficial to inhibit beta-oxidation, as a consequence enhancing glucose oxidation. Thus, due to the more efficient energy metabolism your organism could perform at higher level for longer. Basically, your endurance is increased. If we consider non-athletes, then it is most used to treat angina. During angina you may have a shortage in blood supply in your heart and Trimetazidine (TMZ) helps to maintain the proper functioniong.

Hypoxen facilitates oxygen supply to the cells of the body and L-carnitine transports fatty acids into your cells to be processed for energy, therefore, supporting beta-oxidation pathway. Here we come to a contradiction. On one side, you take two legal substances (Hypoxen and L-carnitine). Then, you decide to take a banned substance (Trimitazidine, TMZ) that works against the medicines you officially use. Does it make any sense?

Valieva’s lawyer also claimed that the prohibited substance could accidently come into her organism. Kamila Valieva could be “contaminated” with the medication (TMZ), potentially via contact with her grandfather, who appeared by video to say that he does take the medication - Trimitazidine (TMZ). There was a doping case when a russian athlete Nadezhda Sergeeva was initially banned due to TMZ in her body, but then could proof in Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) that she took it without knowing it.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) member Denis Oswald said that lawyers for Valieva “presented elements that brought some doubts about her guilt” — a factor which helped to persuade the three CAS judges to let her continue to compete at the Olympics 2022 in Beijing.

But not all people agree wiht that. USADA CEO Travis Tygart that the identification of other two substances is “an indication that something more serious is going on,” “You use all of that to increase performance,” he said. “It totally undermines the credibility” of Valieva’s defense. New York Post stated that Valieva is a cheater. A popular figure skating blog from Dave Lease said that Valieva`s case leads to the conclusion that it is okay to use Performance Enhancing Drugs.



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