The Curious Case Of The Weighted K-Server Problem | IITB CSE Research Symposium

Описание к видео The Curious Case Of The Weighted K-Server Problem | IITB CSE Research Symposium

The Curious Case Of The Weighted K-Server Problem by Prof. Ashish Chiplunkar.
The Department of #cse at #iitbombay organized a two-day research symposium that took place on March 25-26, 2023. This symposium served as a platform to showcase the cutting-edge research conducted within the Department of CSE.
During the event, we were privileged to have distinguished alumni deliver invited talks across three distinct tracks: computer systems, AI/MI, and theoretical CS. These talks provided valuable insights and perspectives on the current trends and developments in these fields.
In addition to these enlightening talks, we also hosted interactive sessions, one of which was a poster session highlighting the research endeavors undertaken by our MS/PhD students. This session offered a comprehensive overview of the innovative work being pursued within our academic community.
The symposium, in its entirety, presented an exceptional opportunity for participants to not only stay informed about the latest advancements in computer science research but also gain a deeper understanding of the vibrant research culture that defines CSE@IITB.


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