Heartwarming episode of female jockey and racehorse

Описание к видео Heartwarming episode of female jockey and racehorse

Nanako Fujita is the best female jockey in Japan.
On October 15, 2017, the horse she was riding
had a heart attack and fell just after the finish line,
she also fell off her horse.
But she didn't care about her own damage, and
immediately snuggled up to the horse who was
starting to panic. Amazing!

And the horse was smart and kind, too.
The horse knew that she had fallen forward right,
and the horse stepped on both front legs and
fell to the left side. Amazing!

In the next week's race, she broke the record for
the most wins of the year for female jockeys.
The horse, now eight years old, is still running well.
Wonderful, beautiful, amazing!



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