The Crappy Camper Ep 2 Part 2 of 5 Detailing Harker Outdoors LLC and their junk campers

Описание к видео The Crappy Camper Ep 2 Part 2 of 5 Detailing Harker Outdoors LLC and their junk campers

We examine Harker Outdoors crappy camers. This episode starts to examine all the problems with the interior of my Harker Outdoors crappy camper. Part 3 goes in more detail and we start to expose their customer service and safety issues when I purchased the camper about 6 weeks ago.
Look at companies like GoFast or Dirtbox overland if you are looking for an off road camper for your Jeep or Toyota.

Run away from Harker Outdoors as fast as you can. Bad quality, bad customer service, and safety issues make this a no go company in my opinion.

Check out for more discussion on what is going on with the crappy camper company as well.

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