How This Off Meta Jungler Got Me To Challenger

Описание к видео How This Off Meta Jungler Got Me To Challenger

Udyr is about to be the most fun AND broken champion next patch, its time to lock in and learn to fully utilize him, lets make Udyr the highest rated OTP champ with the most wholesome community

For those who wonder, my peak is 1162lp as Udyr jung and ive been rank 1 Udyr multiple times throughout last year, though i did not play as much as id like to this split, i still decided to compile a list of everything i learned playing Udyr at the highest level, Enjoy!

Indepth matchup/item document coming soon in the comments!

This is a rank 1 Udyr guide, here are some timestamps!

00:00. Udyr jungle is broken
00:14. Runes
00:16 Broken level 1 strat
00:40 Three quick ganking tips
01:28 How to play like an Udyr pro
01:40 Objectives
02:15: Rank 1 Agurin tips
02:40 Three mechanic tips
03:20 Understanding waves
03:54 Most important tip!!
04:12 How to snowball
04:20 Late game Udyr tech
05:00 Quick tips i didnt know where to place
05:49 AGURIN meets AD UDYR
06:10 Quick AD Udyr tips
06:35 Final statement from Agurin

Thank you HappyChimeNoise for thumbnail inspriation! Working on creating my own style, and will update the thumbnail asap, i am aware its not optimal, so sorry for that! Happychimenoises is a goated youtuber, so go check him out if you want good league guides

Bausffs teaching nightblue the absolute Udyr jungle guide, but Season 15 is quickly approaching with the Arcane maps. Caedrel has no chance when Ibai absolutely demolishes him with the Agurin ad Udyr korean tech


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