The Lake Worth Monster-Bigfoot-Sasquatch or something Stranger? With Lyle Blackburn SD 480p

Описание к видео The Lake Worth Monster-Bigfoot-Sasquatch or something Stranger? With Lyle Blackburn SD 480p

Dive into the chilling legend of the Lake Worth Monster, Texas' own cryptid enigma. In this special episode of Dark Outdoors with renowned author and researcher Lyle Blackburn delves into his latest book, "The Lake Worth Monster: The True Story of the Greer Island Goatman." Explore the eerie 1969 sightings near Fort Worth, where witnesses reported encounters with a creature described as a "half-man, half-goat" with fur and scales. Uncover the connections between this mysterious entity and Bigfoot lore, and examine the evidence that has baffled cryptozoologists for decades. Is the Lake Worth Monster a hoax, a misidentified animal, or an undiscovered species lurking in the shadows? Join us as we unravel the truth behind this spine-tingling tale.

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