iMessage Waiting for Activation? 4 Ways to Fix iMessage Activation Errors (iOS 16 Update)

Описание к видео iMessage Waiting for Activation? 4 Ways to Fix iMessage Activation Errors (iOS 16 Update)

Are you experiencing an iMessage activation unsuccessful or FaceTime activation error message? I will teach you how to activate iMessage and fix it! iMessage not working errors are unfortunately a common problem on the iPhone. To see a step-by-step screenshot tutorial visit:

0:00 - Intro
0:15 - Common iMessage Waiting for Activation Error Messages
0:34 - Try This First
1:37 - Method 1
3:18 - Method 2
4:32 - Method 3
5:32 - Method 4
#iPhoneTips #iPhoneTroubleshooting #howto

Unlike most errors, there are quite a few reasons why your iMessage or FaceTime may not be activating. If you see an "iMessage waiting for activation" error, it could be a problem with your cellular company or simply a bug that's easily remedied. When your iMessage or FaceTime won't activate, we recommend running through a few different possible fixes.

In some cases, it may just take a while for iMessage to activate. But how long is too long? iMessage can take up to 24 hours to activate, according to Apple. This means that at a certain point, it’s safe to assume iMessage is simply not working. If you receive a message that says “FaceTime waiting for activation” or iMessage waiting for activation," you may want to go ahead and try the troubleshooting methods listed below.

Oftentimes, when iMessage or FaceTime won't activate, you can resolve the problem by turning certain settings on and off or signing out of iCloud and back in. However, when I upgraded to the iPhone X, I saw the iMessage waiting for activation error, and the only fix involved speaking directly with my cellular company—the problem was on their end. I tell you this to say that if the following solutions don't activate your iMessage, the problem and solution are likely in the hands of your cellular carrier.

To read the full article with screenshots visit:

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