Why do Women Leave Academia? A Framework to Retain Women in Higher Education

Описание к видео Why do Women Leave Academia? A Framework to Retain Women in Higher Education

This online event organised by Women in Research Ireland discussed the barriers to success for women in academia arise from long standing systemic issues which result in reduced retention of female academics, the so called 'leaky pipeline', unfortunately these barriers have only become greater since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Along with unconscious bias in hiring and promotions and fewer grants awarded to female researchers, the pandemic has seen the majority of caregiving responsibilities fall onto women for children and elderly family members. The response to this increasing burden on female academics needs to be addressed to prevent the loss of women in academia in even greater numbers. WIRI will be joined by Prof. Pamela B. Davis and Dr. Rosarii Griffin for a discussion on these issues of retention and frameworks for action to address these problems.

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