♡°•- find acceptance (within yourself and from others) subliminal -•°♡ (listen once/forced)

Описание к видео ♡°•- find acceptance (within yourself and from others) subliminal -•°♡ (listen once/forced)

Hiya! So I actually made this subliminal because I'm neurodivergent and have different ways of processing the world (not the same as autism or ADHD, but it affects how I function in a school or work environment the most) - I tend to do things that are different from others like I have to use a special visual timer (which I absolutely adore) and I use marker boards for to-do lists and can't use a pen and paper for example. I personally love and accept myself for my quirkiness, but it can be frustrating when others find me too 'weird' or 'different' - especially in friendships, and don't even get me started on the problems I have with my stretch marks: and it's fine, generally, I don't need the world's acceptance, I just want atleast one person who accepts me as I am... but I don't have anyone (friendship-wise). So, I made this subliminal for myself to help me find some acceptance in my little world, and I thought this could be really helpful for others as well, so, I posted it! Lemme know how it works!

P.S. This subliminal was so healing for me... I hope it can heal you too, especially if you have similair trauma or issues that causes you to feel a lack of acceptance ♡
Also, I had the craziest result... I was recommended a video on YouTube and it was literally a video for self-love and the exact words were, "I accept myself for who I am," - this is before I even uploaded the subliminal too!

This subliminal is way too detailed for a benefits list, so, here's the shortened version!

"This subliminal makes you find acceptance in others for everything that you are - from physical appearence (height, weight, skin color, ethnicity, etc.) to your personality (your MBTI type, traits, quirks, hobbies, etc.). This subliminal helps you to accept yourself for who you are as well - including physical appearance and personality: however, I didn't make this section too detailed because I know lots of subliminal listeners (including myself) use subliminals to alter certain traits or looks - so, it's more like you accept this you and future you too (when I listened to this, I was happy with myself even when I didn't have results yet, I felt more... accepting, like it didn't matter if I had results yet, I'm me, and that is all that's needed. Just because you accept doesn't mean you can't strive to improve ♡). Also, this subliminal has affirmations to find love (not romantic love specifically: like platonic love, parental love or yes, romantic love as well) and also to find preference (I struggled my whole life with people preferring people over me, I needed it ♡) for who and everything that you are."

𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 🌱🍵

(Name: "Acceptance Sub")

💫 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸 💫
°•~yes you may bundle my subs ^-^
°•~i don't take requests, but I do consider suggestions. (I only take suggestions through the suggestions dropbox) - suggestions get removed automatically if placed in any video but the suggestions dropbox.
°•~you cannot speed the video up, unfortunately because the way this subliminal is edited speeding it up will distort affirmations (basically speeding the video up more will turn the affirmations into nothing but noise, it has nothing to do with your subconscious being limited).
°•~you really only need to listen to this once, but you listen to this as many times as you'd like, the more you listen the more effective~!
°•~you can listen to this subliminal with or without headphones (or earphones) - but~ it's more ideal that you listen with headphones (or earphones) since this subliminal was designed while wear headphones
°•~drink water to avoid headaches/sickness, but you'll get results with or without it
°•~If you do ever feel sick or in pain please take a break
°•~you can do other things while listening (you may play minecraft while listening to this)
°•~The song won't affect your results
°•~You can always ask me questions in the comments (but I may not see the questions unfortunately, but I'm always open to answer if I see it 💕)
°•~This is friendly for everyone in any community ^-^
°•~This channel is more of a save page - although I am more than willing to take suggestions, generally, most (but not all) of the subliminals on this channel were originally created for myself - again, this channel is more of a save page; please keep in mind that I prefer to make subliminals more in my comfort zone, so, please, this isn't a resturant where you can be rude to the waiters and still get what you want - this is mainly just a save page, not a channel where I thrive on making subliminals for others

歌 • Ghost Of You - 5 Seconds Of Summer


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