煎牛扒 - 美味牛板腱 How to cook steak - delicious blade steak (Eng. Subtitles)

Описание к видео 煎牛扒 - 美味牛板腱 How to cook steak - delicious blade steak (Eng. Subtitles)

(Please scroll down for English Description) 焗薯非常容易煮,多變化,是一個很好的配菜,配魚或扒類都很適合,作主亦可以,片中詳細介紹食材及烹調方法。煎牛扒非常簡單,牛扒質素很重要,用高質扒,不用太多花巧就可以很美味,放太多調味反而破壞靚牛扒的肉味,但有點要留意,最後放入牛油時要留意火力,可能需要稍稍調低,否則容易把牛油燒焦。



最後不要忘記一杯靚紅酒,紅酒配牛扒不用多說了,阿根庭的高質 Malbec 是個不錯的選擇呢!

Pan-fry steak is very simple, the quality of steak is very import. If you use good quality steak, just use simple seasoning can make a very delicious dish, too mush seasoning would even ruin the good taste of the meat. Pay attention to the heat that after butter is added as you don't want to burn it, so you may need to turn down the heat a little bit.

Main ingredients are simple, steak in 1 inch thick, 8 to 12 ounces on personal preference. Sirloin, ribeye or tenderloin are perfectly fine, this time I picked blade steak. Several cloves of garlic, a little bit rosemary, salt, black pepper and olive oil.

For side dishes, they are all optional and flexible. This time I cooked baked potato, asparagus, stir-fried mushroom with butter and some cherry tomato. Other vegetable such as spinach, mashed potato, potato chips or salad are all great with steak!

Don't forget of a glass of nice red wine, red wine and steak are fantastic. Good Malbec from Argentina is good choice!

This video is in Cantonese with English subtitles, recipe and cooking procedure are described in it.
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Music composed by Peter Kwok
  / peterkwok.online  
Email: [email protected]

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