Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - MS-06V Zaku Tank Cannon Type [Lv.4] -02-

Описание к видео Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation - MS-06V Zaku Tank Cannon Type [Lv.4] -02-

Nyaa~ The Gunzerker

The Zaku Tank is very powerful(like a event suit)~ when you have no Bodyguards, you're dead~

Mobile Suit: MS-06V Zaku Tank Cannon Type / ザクタンク 砲撃仕様
Map: Military Base

Game: 機動戦士ガンダム バトルオペレーション
Playstation 3: Free 2 Play [JPN Store]
System: Playstation 3
Capture Card: AVerMedia Game Capture HD

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