New Law: Becoming a German Citizen Faster! [2024 Update]

Описание к видео New Law: Becoming a German Citizen Faster! [2024 Update]

Dual citizenship in Germany is now allowed! In this video, we discuss what are the requirements to acquire your German citizenship in 3 or 5 years, what are the costs, how to apply, and much more!

🇩🇪 German CV Template to Apply for Citizenship

🤓 Get the questions for the German citizenship test in English

🔥 Find out if you qualify for German citizenship by doing this free test from our partners Migrando:

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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction
01:01 - What are the specific changes to the new law?
05:22 - When does the law come into effect?
06:53 - Will children born in Germany receive the German citizenship?
08:04 - How do you apply?
10:55 - What are the costs?
12:13 - What are the processing times?
16:22 - What are the benefits of being a German citizen?

📺 Subscribe to our channel if you want more information on life in Germany as an expat:
   / simplegermany  

Hey, we are Jen & Yvonne from Simple Germany! 👋🏻👋🏽 Our mission is to create English content to empower internationals to settle into life in Germany more smoothly.

Think of us as your onboarding buddies to Germany's bureaucracy and culture.

Subscribe to our channel and join a community of smooth settlers (smoothlers).

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