Ullscarf via Blea Tarn and Coldbarrow Fell from Watendlath (The Lake District)

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The main ridge of the Central Fells continues south from Ullscarf, dropping over a field of rocky knolls to cross the wide depression of Greenup Edge. This is the connection to High Raise, the highest of the Central Fells. To the north, the natural boundaries are unclear. Standing Crag provides a terminus to the summit plateau, rising above its reflecting tarn. From here the ridge continues across wet ground towards High Tove, the next Wainwright. Some guidebooks consider the intermediate Bell Crags (summit unnamed on Ordnance Survey maps) to be a separate fell. A second subsidiary ridge extends north-north-west from the summit to Great Crag, passing over the twin tops of Coldbarrow Fell.

Between these two northern ridges lies Blea Tarn. A large pool of about 40 ft (12 m) depth, Blea Tarn provides the main feed for the more famous beauty spot of Watendlath Tarn. Drainage to the east (and Thirlmere) is provided by Ullscarf and Launchy Gills, the former flowing via the secluded Harrop Tarn within the Thirlmere Forest. This may be a corrie tarn that has silted up over time, extensive shallows being colonised by sedge, water horsetail and yellow water lilly.These waters are joined by the Wyth Burn from the south of the fell. All water from the west of the fell reaches Greenup Gill via a number of feeders and flows to Derwentwater.

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