a weekend in MADRID as a SOLO FEMALE traveller -- Spanish vlog

Описание к видео a weekend in MADRID as a SOLO FEMALE traveller -- Spanish vlog

MADRID IS THE BEST CITY FOR SOLO FEMALE TRAVELLERS...at least in my experience this past weekend. There are so many lovely hostels, things to do, and the people are so friendly! Watch this video as my little diary of my time there to see what to do & for some chill travel vibes🥰🥰

hey y’all! if you are new here, i am Hannah & i am an undergraduate at Yale University!! i make many school-related videos, faith-based videos, & fUn VlOgS!
↳subscribe (new videos every week!) : https://www.youtube.com/hannahmariaxx...

☆ more videos ☆
↳move to spain with me:    • FIRST TIME SOLO TRAVELING TO EUROPE  ...  
↳exploring beautiful Portugal:    • 48 Hours in BRAGA, Portugal - "the BE...  
↳puerto rico summer:    • how to spend the summer in puerto ric...  

☆ social media ☆
Insta:   / hannah.maria  
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☆ FAQs ☆
↳age? 20
↳what's your major? Political Science (+Spanish or Religion)
↳do you speak Spanish? Sí
↳stats? i posted a video:    • *HOW I GOT INTO YALE UNIVERSITY* (my ...  

↳LMK how I can pray for you in the comments!!


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