NGBONGA TI LIBERTÉ (El Bocón) - L'Orchestre Tao Tao De París

Описание к видео NGBONGA TI LIBERTÉ (El Bocón) - L'Orchestre Tao Tao De París

If you are the copyright owner of the music in any of these videos, before submitting a copyright claim or requesting a takedown, I ask that you please contact me first.

If you want the video removed, I will remove it.

If you (as copyright holder) want additional information added to the video, please let me know.

The purpose and spirit of this channel is to make more readily available audio recordings that were once commercially available (*except for demos, studio outtakes, radio sessions, live performances, etc.), but are no longer.

This channel is ad-free and not monetized.

Thank you to the musicians who created this music and to all those who contributed to making and keeping these recordings available for others to hear.

Sabor Picotero


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