New Player Experience (Exile's Reach) - Music of WoW: Shadowlands

Описание к видео New Player Experience (Exile's Reach) - Music of WoW: Shadowlands

Guys, I've just had a revelation... Ships are definitively the most dangerous things in World of Warcraft!

That's right, you heard me. It isn't demons, or liches, or half-naked half-demon half-night elf stepping stones to a larger plan who have sacrificed everything...
...or elevators.

It's ships! They're the most dangerous! Think about it:

- Both the Alliance and Horde wreck their ships here in Exile's Reach and have to deal with necromantic ogres
- Both the Alliance and Horde get their ships wrecked by the Naga and are stuck in Vashj'ir
- Both the Alliance and Horde get their ships wrecked by the Naga AGAIN and are stuck in Nazjatar
- The goblins wreck their ship and get stranded on the Lost Isles
- Varian's flying ship thing wrecks in the Broken Shore, and we all know what happens to that guy...
- Every time you go to the Stormwind docks and the ship you want to go on leaves without you, it KILLS your time

Now you know, NEVER go on a ship in WoW. Something bad WILL happen.

0:00 - Only Human H
2:18 - Only Human A
4:33 - Only Human B
6:49 - Only Human C
8:30 - Only Human D

10:21 - Orc 2 Orc H
12:47 - Orc 2 Orc A
14:54 - Orc 2 Orc B
16:43 - Orc 2 Orc C
18:23 - Orc 2 Orc D
19:56 - Orc 2 Orc E


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